Sunday, December 16, 2018

my December 2018 monthly post

eating native pawpaw fruit, holistic, Pond G, late-autumn landscape scenes, and more. 

Check out my daily blog for the month of December 2018 (Jaethaz 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship,
culture, education, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day. Enjoy!

My Daily Blog for 2018 December / Jaethaz: Daily Blog   

        Happy last month of fall.  This month of December 2018, what edible wild plant did I eat? I ate pawpaw fruit, which is a native Michigan fruit!  The pawpaw is Asimina triloba.  Pawpaw fruit is ripe for harvest in early fall, but a friend had some that he froze and he was delighted to share.   
         In December, for landscape architecture, I started doing holistic landcare, including holistic science and art, and community culture. I started doing holistic landcare at Graceland Pond.  See my December Daily Blog:
I use the word "holistic" not to narrowly mean herbal medicines, but to broadly mean whole culture, including economy, education, science, art, the way we live, learn and work, etc.  My blog website has several pages on holistic pursuits. See:
         Plus, my December Daily Blog has several photos of December / late autumn scenes in Michigan.  Furthermore, this month of Jaethaz includes December and the end of November, so there are Thanksgiving photos in my daily blog.  For Thanksgiving, my family visited Colorado to visit with family and friends. See the Colorado photos.
         Meanwhile, by December, my work for Pizzo, an ecological restoration firm, ended for the year.  Also, my fall semester nature classes ended too. You may see the Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program webpage of classes and photos at:

Happy End of Fall.  I take down my fall decorations and put up my winter decorations on my season wall, in a few days, on the Winter Solstice.