Monday, February 17, 2020

February 2020 - Winter!

winter, a little snow, Community and Landscape Eco Workshop (CLEW), debris hut camping, and more.  

Check out my daily blog for the month of February 2020 (Churoo 2020). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship,
culture, education, ecology, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day. Enjoy!

See more photos:
My Daily Blog for 2020 February / Churoo: Daily Blog   

         This February 2020, I taught a Community and Landscape Eco Workshop (CLEW), via the Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program.   
Class lessons include activities related to the 40 Sustainability Categories and the  
ABC Garden of Community Education. Also, one day we all built a debris hut frame.  Another day, at a different site, we each took turns experiencing a completed debris hut, covered with snow. (See photos of class activities, in my daily blog.)   
         Meanwhile, during February, no wildflowers are blooming, but the wildflowers' dead stalks and seed heads are present, sticking out of the snow.  For instance, I found the brown dead stalks and seed heads of the Indian Pipes (Monotropa uniflora) wildflower, next to the Galien River. (See photos of wildflowers, in my daily blog.)  
          Year round, to represent Pizzo, an ecological restoration firm, I attend a local chamber of commerce mixer, each month, at a different local business.  Attending commerce mixers is one of many ways to continually get to see more of the local area, little by little.  This February, the commerce mixer was at the event room of Froehlich's, a local restaurant and bakery, just a few blocks from my house.  I'd been to Froehlich's restaurant and bakery, before, but not yet to its event room. (See photos of Three Oaks, downtown Three Oaks, and Froehlich's restaurant, in my daily blog.) 

          This February 2020 is a month of shallow snow (6-inches (15 cm) or less).  On most days, there was snow on the ground, but the snow was not deep.  It snowed a little, melted, snowed a little, melted, etc.  A local cross-country skiing venue has been open, only 3 days this year, because the snow has been so shallow.  I went skiing on one of those days.  (See photos of winter activities, in my daily blog.)  

        Enjoy the weather where you are. Happy February.