Check out my daily blog for the month of October 2018 (Faga 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship,
culture, education, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day.
My Daily Blog for 2018 October / Faga: Daily Blog
This month of October 2018, my fall semester nature classes are running. I teach 6 classes this semester. I teach in Three Oaks, Michigan; at Fernwood Gardens, in Niles, Michigan; and at the Benton Harbor Girls Academy, in Benton Harbor, Michigan. My classes are Community and Landscape: Environment Workshop (CLEW), Habitats and Wildlife (HW), Nature and Community Arts (NCA), Nature Heritage (NH), Outdoor Skills Level 2 (OSL2), and Wilderness and Culture (WC). See class photos, throughout my October daily blog. The Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program webpage of classes:
For landscape architecture, I designed a planting plan for a backyard in Harbert, Michigan. In October, for my ecological restoration work with Pizzo, I helped to steward some Michigan wetlands owned by Chikaming Open Lands, a nonprofit land-conservation organization. My blog shows several October blooming flowers, including the beautiful blue blooms of the Bottle Gentian and Fringed Gentian, and of course the purple blooms of the New England Aster. Otherwise, most flowers have turned into seed. From Pizzo sites, I've been collecting many seeds to spread back into the Pizzo sites. There are photos of animals in the great outdoors too, including beautiful orbweaver spiders and a Woolly Bear Caterpillar. Happy Fall! October is the first full month of fall. There were some hot days in October, but a week ago, the weather turned cold fast. Finally, the mosquitoes have disappeared. The leaves are just starting to turn color in the middle of October. I even found a fluorescent-colored leaf - fluorescent colors are fall colors also, besides orange and brown. Happy month of gourds and pumpkins too. My family went apple-picking too.