Check out my daily blog for the month of September 2018 (Ingbing 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day.
My Daily Blog for 2018 September / Ingbing: Daily Blog
This month of September 2018, I made spicebush tea from the Spicebush, a native Michigan shrub. My fall semester nature classes just started, I teach 6 classes this semester. 4 of them I teach at Fernwood Gardens, in Niles. So far, I had only one class, during which we handmade soap, from scratch, from nature - using campfire wood ash (alkaline lye) and rendered fat (fatty acids). See photos. For landscape architecture, I started a planting plan for a backyard in Harbert. In September, for my ecological restoration work, I helped to steward some wetlands at an apartment complex in Indiana. My blog shows several September blooming prairie flowers, including the Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia, and of course the yellow blooms of goldenrods. I even display a native Michigan orchid, the Nodding Ladies Tresses. There are photos of animals in the great outdoors too, including beautiful orbweaver spiders, a beautiful cicada, a toad, and a tree frog with toe suction cups. Happy Summer! September is summer and part of the beach season, it's been hot here in Michigan in September, there are Lake Michigan beach photos too. Michigan is just as beautiful as the Caribbean. I even saw a rainbow this month!