Wednesday, August 22, 2018

my August 2018 monthly post

butterflies, outdoor classroom design, stewarding prairies and woodlands, robin's nest, summer prairie flowers, and more. 

Check out my daily blog for the month of August 2018 (Doipoil 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day. 

My Daily Blog for 2018 August / Doipoil: Daily Blog   

        This month of August 2018, I saw many butterflies.  Look at my many butterfly photos this month.  For landscape architecture, in August, I met with Carol to discuss her permaculture farm and general design concepts.  My fall nature classes begin in September.  In August, for my ecological restoration work, I worked on prairies, woods, and wetlands, including Indiana DNR's Grand Calumet River wetland. Also, August is the height of prairie flowers blooming.  See many photos of prairie flowers in my August daily blog.  Plus, in a robin nest, I saw robin eggs, a robin the day it hatched, and when it grew bigger.  Additionally, I even visited a local labyrinth.