5 Ways to be Nice

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5 Ways to be Nice:


My work in education, landscape architecture, and sustainability supports being nice in all 5 ways, even the 5th way.

5 Ways to Be Nice.  There are many ways to be nice, but I think these 5 are the most significant ways to detect if someone is truly nice.  To be truly nice is to be holistically nice: nice in all 5 of these ways, and not just polite. 

1. Friendly to People / Daily Personal Behavior: acting friendly, polite, peaceful, joyful, thankful, loving, caring towards family, friends, co-workers, and community members.  Do not be abusive, violent, harmful, aggressive, bossy towards people.  Do not put people down and call people names. 

2. Unprejudiced: Friendly to Everyone: friendly to everyone no matter gender, race, family, nationality, religion, ethnicity, profession, rich or poor, neighborhood of residence, sexual orientation, etc.

3. Friendly to Nature: be aware of and pay attention to nature (local nature and global nature), go on nature walks, study nature, watch birds, grow a garden, grow native plants, and more. 

4. Help Individuals in Occasional Emergencies / Help Individuals, who are Occasionally in Trouble. Give to Charities.  Donate Money.  Donate Time.  Literally or figuratively, helping to lift someone up on the rare occasion that they fall down. Random acts of kindness. Good Samaritan. Help during dramatic acute disasters. Be a 1-day hero; or, repeatedly be a hero in only 1-way. Save a life or lives. Fireman. Medical.  Ambulance Service. Policeman. Insurance Agency. Life Guard. Search and Rescue. Save one species of animal. Save your pet.  

5. Daily Community Help / Help Communities / Holistic Help / Nice Culture.  
Nice culture-education-ecology-economy.  Daily Live a Moral Culture, a Community Culture. Daily, live, learn, work, play, socialize, do science, do art, produce, and consume in ways that sustain and enrich morals, altruistic individual people, nature, families and friendships, communities, and people getting enough vital basic stuff (shelter, water, warmth, food, clothes, and basic tools).  Daily, live a way of life, live a culture, that holistically helps communities, people, nature, community landscapes, community economies, community cooperation, and personal self-sufficiency.

see much more at 
5 Ways to be Nice:

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