spring! April wildflowers are blooming, Spring Beauty, Troutlily, and more; there's a very warm week in mid-April, even May flowers bloom, leaves start to grow early, and more.
Check out my daily blog for the month of April 2023 (Menen 2023). My blog shows various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship,
culture, education, ecology, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post several photos. Enjoy!
culture, education, ecology, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post several photos. Enjoy!
See more photos:
Pink and Yellow April Wildflowers. Spring Beauty, Troutlily, and more Michigan native wildflowers bloom in April.
See a few of my photos of April wildflowers, in my daily blog.
Warm Week in mid-April. April and May flowers bloom together, leaves grow early on the trees. Early April's Hepatica and May's White Trillium bloom on the same day. See a few of my photos of the warm week of April, in my daily blog.
Review of April Photos 2019-2022. Since this is the 5th year that I'm running my two blogs (this Monthly Blog, and my Daily Blog),
I thought I'd display a sampling of March photos from the past 5
years. The photos are still good and current nature photos, timely and
timeless. Enjoy. See a variety of my April outdoor photos, in my daily blog.
Happy Spring: April, May, and June!