Check out my daily blog for the month of December 2019 (Jaethaz 2019). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship,
culture, education, ecology, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day. Enjoy!
See more photos:
My Daily Blog for 2019 December / Jaethaz: Daily Blog
In December, the last of the falling fall leaves continue to drop to the ground. The Village of Three Oaks, Michigan, even now, is still collecting leaves that people rake from their yards to the curb. At large, all of the leaves have dropped by now, mid-December, even from the trees that drop their leaves later than others: oaks, beeches, silver maples, and callery pear trees. (See photos of trees and nature, in my daily blog.)
For the December daily blog, I focused on exhibiting examples with photos of how I've been supporting each of the 40 Sustainability Categories. By looking at my daily blog for December 2019, you'll get a good idea of what I've been working on for the past 15 or more years. (See photos of sustainability activities, in my daily blog.)
Enjoy the last few days of fall. The first day of winter is Saturday, December 21, 2019.