Check out my daily blog for the month of November 2018 (Zhazaw 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship,
culture, education, economy, health, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day. Enjoy!
My Daily Blog for 2018 November / Zhazaw: Daily Blog
This month of November 2018, I boiled tannin out of acorns to make them edible. My fall semester nature classes are running. I teach 6 classes this semester. I teach in Three Oaks, Michigan; at Fernwood Gardens, in Niles, Michigan; and at the Benton Harbor Girls Academy, in Benton Harbor, Michigan. My classes are Community and Landscape: Environment Workshop (CLEW), Habitats and Wildlife (HW), Nature and Community Arts (NCA), Nature Heritage (NH), Outdoor Skills Level 2 (OSL2), and Wilderness and Culture (WC). See class photos, throughout my November daily blog. The Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program webpage of classes:
In November, for landscape architecture, I designed a planting plan for a house's front flower garden in Galien, Michigan. (Last month, I did a planting design for Harbert.) In November, for my ecological restoration work with Pizzo, I've been collecting many seeds to spread back into the Pizzo sites. My month of Zhazaw includes the end of October, so there are Halloween photos in my daily blog. Plus, there are several photos of the height of fall color in Michigan. There are photos of animals in the great outdoors too, including many birds: Wood Ducks, Nuthatches, Goldfinch, Chickadees, and more. Happy Fall! November is autumn, although, recently, it's been 18 degrees F, and it snowed a little. Enjoy your fall. It's still fall for another month.