Friday, July 20, 2018

my July 2018 monthly post

eating edible bee balm flowers, stewarding prairies, summer wildflowers, butterfly milkweed, rattlesnake master, queen of the prairie, and more. 

Check out my daily blog for the month of July 2018 (Siloi 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day. 

My Daily Blog for 2018 July / Siloi: Daily Blog   

        This month of July 2018, I ate edible wild native plants, such as the Bee Balm flower petals.  My spring nature classes finished in May, my fall nature classes start in September. But, in July, I volunteered taught a nature class at a summer camp, Camp Hazelhurst, in Harbert, Michigan.  In July, for my ecological restoration work, some of it included planting native plants at a naturalized residential yard; plus, I sicklebar mowed an aggressive grass at a prairie. My blog shows several July blooming prairie flowers, including Black-eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, Rattlesnake Master, and Queen of the Prairie.  I even have a photo of the plant that has the world's smallest flower!  There are photos of animals in the great outdoors too, including a dragonfly, a caterpillar, blinky butts, a frog, a mommy and baby deer, and birds.  Furthermore, July is part of the beach season, there are Lake Michigan beach photos too.