Check out my daily blog for the month of June 2018 (Hoehee 2018). Each day shows some various activities that I do in science, art, nature, culture, land stewardship, and in learning about holistic good, morals, and beyond. I post a photo every day.
My Daily Blog for 2018 June / Hoehee: Daily Blog
This month of June 2018, I ate edible wild native plants, such as the Juneberry fruit and the Elderberry flowers. For landscape architecture, in June, I met with Jody to discuss her permaculture farm, design plans, and site details. My spring nature classes finished in May, my fall nature classes start in September. In June, for my ecological restoration work, I worked on prairies, removing invasive exotic weeds. My blog shows several June blooming prairie flowers. Plus, in a prairie, in a bird nest box, I saw baby bluebirds, the day they hatched and as they are growing. There's even a photo of a snapping turtle, that wandered into a laundromat.